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Possibly, the best Blockchain development company in Spain.

Launch Your Dreamed Project

Tailor-made blockchain development

Smart Contracts ○ NFTs ○ dApps ○ Tokens ○ Security audit ○ Blockchain ○ Development ○ apps ○ marketing ○ UX/UI Design
Smart Contracts ○ NFTs ○ dApps ○ Tokens ○ Security audit ○ Blockchain ○ Development ○ apps ○ marketing ○ UX/UI Design
Smart Contracts ○ NFTs ○ dApps ○ Tokens ○ Security audit ○ Blockchain ○ Development ○ apps ○ marketing ○ UX/UI Design
Smart Contracts ○ NFTs ○ dApps ○ Tokens ○ Security audit ○ Blockchain ○ Development ○ apps ○ marketing ○ UX/UI Design
Smart Contracts ○ NFTs ○ dApps ○ Tokens ○ Security audit ○ Blockchain ○ Development ○ apps ○ marketing ○ UX/UI Design
Smart Contracts ○ NFTs ○ dApps ○ Tokens ○ Security audit ○ Blockchain ○ Development ○ apps ○ marketing ○ UX/UI Design
Smart Contracts ○ NFTs ○ dApps ○ Tokens ○ Security audit ○ Blockchain ○ Development ○ apps ○ marketing ○ UX/UI Design
Smart Contracts ○ NFTs ○ dApps ○ Tokens ○ Security audit ○ Blockchain ○ Development ○ apps ○ marketing ○ UX/UI Design
Smart Contracts ○ NFTs ○ dApps ○ Tokens ○ Security audit ○ Blockchain ○ Development ○ apps ○ marketing ○ UX/UI Design
Smart Contracts ○ NFTs ○ dApps ○ Tokens ○ Security audit ○ Blockchain ○ Development ○ apps ○ marketing ○ UX/UI Design
Smart Contracts ○ NFTs ○ dApps ○ Tokens ○ Security audit ○ Blockchain ○ Development ○ apps ○ marketing ○ UX/UI Design
Smart Contracts ○ NFTs ○ dApps ○ Tokens ○ Security audit ○ Blockchain ○ Development ○ apps ○ marketing ○ UX/UI Design
Smart Contracts ○ NFTs ○ dApps ○ Tokens ○ Security audit ○ Blockchain ○ Development ○ apps ○ marketing ○ UX/UI Design
Smart Contracts ○ NFTs ○ dApps ○ Tokens ○ Security audit ○ Blockchain ○ Development ○ apps ○ marketing ○ UX/UI Design










Anyone can assemble lines of code.
We go further.

With meticulous planning, carefully crafted design, and user-centered development, we explore the complexity of human behavior to bring to life solutions that truly connect.

Use technology to grow in the digital environment of your company in a secure way.


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We are a team specialized in creating projects and launching them to success!

The Unknown Method

We transform each project into a success story.

Communication is Key
We will listen carefully to your ideas, needs and objectives, analyze them and offer you valuable advice on the best strategies to carry them out.

Communication is essential for us all to agree and to move forward with confidence.
Data-based design
With this data, we will design a personalized plan adapted to your needs.

Our team will work closely with you to ensure that it fits and meets your objectives.
Precise Execution
Once a solid plan is established, we will move on to execution. We will fine-tune every aspect of the strategy to make sure it's the right one. Our team will carry out rigorous quality controls and audits.

Build the perfect project and feel the satisfaction of achieving your goals.

Our Team

Our team, comprised of industry leaders in blockchain technology, offers comprehensive development and implementation services to a wide variety of companies and organizations.

Our goal is to enable companies to fully exploit the potential of blockchain technology and benefit from its many advantages.

Utilizar la tecnología de la cadena de bloques en el mundo real de forma segura, intuitiva y fácil es posible.

Whether you're running a small start-up business or a large corporation, we're dedicated to providing you with professional advice and solutions designed specifically to meet your needs.
UG Team

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the typical work process for a software development project?

Our process begins with a detailed consultation to understand your objectives. Then, we carry out a requirements analysis and strategic planning. During development, we maintain transparent communication and conduct extensive testing. Finally, we offer ongoing support and updates as needed.

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What are the security measures implemented in the services?

Safety is a priority for Unknown Gravity. We implement advanced practices and technologies to ensure data security and the integrity of the solutions developed. We perform security audits and comply with industry standards.

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What's the difference between SEO and content marketing services offered by Unknown Gravity?

SEO focuses on improving visibility in search engines, while content marketing services focus on creating and distributing valuable content. We work together to optimize the online presence, using integrated strategies to improve both the ranking and the quality of the content.

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Can I pay with cryptocurrencies?

Yes, we have a payment gateway that integrates payments with cryptocurrencies, among them we support: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Polygon (MATIC), USDT and others.

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What is blockchain and how can it benefit my company?

Blockchain is a technology that offers transparency, security and decentralization. It can benefit your business by improving data security, traceability and efficiency.

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How do you ensure the security of decentralized applications (DApps)?

We implement advanced security measures, such as code audits, robust cryptography, and extensive testing to ensure resistance to attacks and the protection of sensitive data.

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Can you help me create my own cryptocurrency or token?

Yes, we offer services to design and develop customized tokens according to your needs, whether for an ICO, NFTs or other use cases.

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How can I integrate blockchain solutions into my existing company?

We work closely with your team to understand your needs and develop customized solutions. Integration is often a collaborative process that ensures a smooth transition.

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What are the legal and regulatory implications associated with the use of blockchain in my company?

We collaborate with legal experts to ensure that your projects comply with local and international regulations.

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What is tokenization and how can it positively impact my business?

Tokenization involves converting physical or virtual assets into tokens. It can improve the liquidity, transferability and accessibility of assets, creating new business opportunities.

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Can you help me with the creation of customized smart contracts?

Yes, we develop customized smart contracts to meet your specific requirements, from complex business logic to specific execution conditions.

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Do you offer consulting services to better understand the implications of blockchain technology in my business?

Yes, we provide consulting services to evaluate how blockchain technology can benefit your company and design effective implementation strategies.

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How can I keep up to date on trends and developments in the blockchain and web3 space?

We regularly publish educational content, participate in events and offer newsletters to keep you up to date with the latest trends and developments in blockchain.

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¿Qué es una red blockchain y cómo funciona en la cadena de suministro?

Una red blockchain es una base de datos compartida y descentralizada que utiliza la tecnología de cadena de bloques para almacenar datos de forma segura y transparente. En el contexto de la cadena de suministro, una red blockchain permite a los participantes de la red acceder a un libro de contabilidad inmutable que registra cada transacción realizada a lo largo de la cadena de suministro, desde la producción hasta la entrega al cliente final.

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¿Quiénes son los participantes de la red en una cadena de suministro basada en blockchain?

Los participantes de la red en una cadena de suministro basada en blockchain pueden incluir fabricantes, proveedores, distribuidores, minoristas, transportistas y clientes. Cada participante tiene acceso a la misma base de datos compartida y puede verificar la autenticidad y el historial de cualquier producto a lo largo de la cadena de suministro.

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¿Cuál es el papel del libro de contabilidad en una red blockchain?

El libro de contabilidad en una red blockchain actúa como un registro inmutable y transparente de todas las transacciones realizadas en la cadena de suministro. Cada participante de la red tiene una copia idéntica del libro de contabilidad, lo que garantiza la integridad de los datos y previene la manipulación o el fraude.

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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre blockchain pública y blockchain privada en la cadena de suministro?

Una blockchain pública es accesible para cualquier persona y permite que cualquier individuo o entidad participe en la red y verifique transacciones. Por otro lado, una blockchain privada restringe el acceso solo a participantes autorizados, lo que puede ser beneficioso para empresas que desean mantener cierto grado de confidencialidad en su cadena de suministro.

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¿Cómo almacena datos una cadena de bloques en la cadena de suministro?

Una cadena de bloques almacena datos mediante la creación de bloques que contienen transacciones válidas, que luego se enlazan entre sí en una secuencia cronológica. Cada bloque contiene un hash del bloque anterior, lo que garantiza la integridad de la cadena y hace que sea casi imposible alterar los datos almacenados. Esto asegura la confiabilidad y la seguridad de la información en la cadena de suministro.

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¿Cómo se procesan las transacciones en una red blockchain?

Las transacciones en una red blockchain pueden procesarse a través de diferentes mecanismos, siendo dos de los más comunes la Prueba de Trabajo (PoW) y la Prueba de Participación (PoS). En el caso de la Prueba de Trabajo (PoW), utilizada principalmente en blockchains públicas como Bitcoin, los mineros compiten para resolver complejos problemas matemáticos para validar y agregar nuevas transacciones al libro de contabilidad. Este proceso requiere una gran cantidad de poder computacional y consume una cantidad significativa de energía. Por otro lado, en la Prueba de Participación (PoS), los participantes con una participación en la red tienen la responsabilidad de validar y agregar transacciones al libro de contabilidad, en función de la cantidad de moneda que poseen y están dispuestos a "apostar" como garantía. Esto no solo reduce significativamente el consumo de energía asociado con el procesamiento de transacciones, sino que también fomenta una mayor participación y descentralización en el sistema. Ambos métodos tienen sus ventajas y desventajas, y su elección depende del diseño y los objetivos específicos de la red blockchain en cuestión.

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From spain to the world
From spain to the world
From spain to the world
From spain to the world
From spain to the world
From spain to the world
From spain to the world
From spain to the world
From spain to the world
From spain to the world
From spain to the world
From spain to the world
From spain to the world
From spain to the world


C. Marqués de Larios, 4
29005 - Málaga


C. La Gitanilla, 17
29004 - Málaga

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